Monday, December 2, 2013

UPDATE: Dried Osage Orange Slices

A little update on the progress of my dried Osage Oranges (monkey fruit, green brains, hedgeapples etc.).

First, I sliced them too thick so they took F.O.R.E.V.E.R. I sliced them about 1/4 in. thick when they should probably be more like 1/8 in. I had to take them out before they were done just so it didn't cost me a small fortune in electricity (I used my Nesco dehydrator for about 8 hours).

I just strung them up with a bit of twine and am hoping they do some air drying. I really like how they turned out. I think I am going to compost the rest in the ditch and hope that we have some trees in a few years!

Here is a terrible shot of the tree so far. I am in the process (once again) of trying to choose a new camera. Any suggestions?

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