Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring time crafting

Holy bajeez this winter needs to let go already! I would like to be outside getting my garden ready but here we are, stuck inside. I've been getting things ready for Easter to keep me busy until the nice weather this weekend. Here is a sweet little bunny I knitted for my daughter's Easter basket.
This pattern turned out to be a challenge but in a good way! It was the perfect next step for me with knitting. I had never done a WT before to build shape so that was fun. The pattern is really neat and well written. It's called "Henry's Bunny" on Ravelry.
Lots of baking going on too. I should take advantage of it as much as possible since I avoid lighting the stove in the summer like the plague!! This is a half whole wheat half white loaf of Mother Earth News's crusty no knead bread. It's da bomb and the closest to good bakery bread I can make at home. You need a Dutch oven but it's one of my favorite cooking and baking tools so you should get one!
And lots of woodworking going on as well. I have been making puzzles to sell at a local café but whipped up this sweet little house for my daughters new teeny tiny dolly she got a the flea market last weekend. What do you think?

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