
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Getting all techy and stuff

Oh I know it's been awhile but I have a good excuse. You see I was just sick and tired of my crappy old point and shoot and it was becoming impossible to enjoy blogging whilst working with such a piece of crap. SO yesterday I went out and bought an ipod which was a big deal for my because as of now I have a Tracfone so yeah...big upgrade.

So far I am having lots of fun taking pictures of my meals like "normal" people. These are John's Sexy Swedish Buns (a Jamie O recipe).

I have also been spending a lot of time making wooden toys. This one is just for C. A sweet sleeping dragon with a nice cozy knitted cave.

And some are destined for a new little coffee shop. There is actually a complete set with rooster, tree, and pig all painted up. The shop is opening Monday and I am excited to see how they do!

I have also been enjoying some thrifting. Not as much as I have been since I am running out of room in the old house.

And some sewing. This little burlap banner is destined for our farmers' market booth this summer. From left to right we have garlic, tomato, turnip, French breakfast radish, and a carrot. They were made from little fabric scraps and zig-zag stitched onto some burlap. I also did a zig-zag stitch around the edge of the burlap to keep it from unraveling and I zig-zag stitched the twine onto the squares. It was a quick and easy project and I think it looks great. What crafting have you been up to?
P.S. you can find me on Instagram now under bigcraftyblog!

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